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economic base, we provide jobs

opportunities for the communities

near our projects. In tandem,

the Group hires and trains local

employees at our job sites,

providing technical training and

skills to improve workers’ wage-

earning potential. We also support

local suppliers and entrepreneurs

by purchasing local goods and

services. A successful example of

this can be seen in Indonesia where

80.00% of contracts for goods

and services have been awarded

to small and medium-sized local

companies. In addition, 23.00% of

the FFB processed by the palm oil

mill is purchased from smallholder

farmers and third-party growers.

Similarly in PNG, 79% of the

procurement contracts have been

awarded to local companies.

Apart from building and furnishing

the mosques and schools located

within and around the plantation

with the necessary amenities, our

Indonesian subsidiary, PTNJL also

funds the monthly allowance of

teachers and imams.

IFC has continued its support

of aspiring local talents in

developing their skills through their

participation in the local soccer

leagues. During the year, IFC

continues to be a major sponsor of

the Morobe Football Association

and had also provided funding

for Besta PNG United FC with a

commitment of PGK100,000.

Meanwhile, our Indonesian

subsidiary, PTNJL received a total

of 31 students; 5 of from PDD

Politeknik Negeri Nunukan and

26 from several regional high

schools, to undergo a 2-month

internship program during the year.

In PNG, educational tours of IFC’s

production facility are regularly

arranged with local schools to

create awareness of the fishing

industry and canning processes.

The Group has since January 2018 took in 60 university graduates to

undergo 8 months to undertake workplace experience with companies

within the Group (with the possibility of progression into permanent

employment) program through our participation in and support of the

PROTÉGÉ (formerly known as Skim Latihan 1Malaysia). This program

involves a mix of on-the-job placements and skills development

workshops which would allow trainees to absorb the organisational

and work culture whilst also developing relevant job-specific training.

Allowances and benefits are given during the program.


Kumpulan Fima Berhad
