Fresh Harvesting
IFC has allocated an area within its production
facility for employees to cultivate vegetables
and fruits such as bananas, taro, cassava, sweet
potatoes, eggplant, choy sum and water spinach
(kangkong). Harvest from this edible garden is
freely distributed to employees and used in the
staff canteen.
Similarly, at our Malaysian estates, employees
cultivate leafy vegetables, ladies’ fingers, turmeric
as well as fruit trees like durian, mango, coconut and
jackfruit. Further, all kitchen scraps and food waste
generated are composted and subsequently be
returned to garden soil or used as mulch.
In Indonesia, PTNJL has set up 5 ponds in which
various types of freshwater fish namely
tilapia, kaloi,
patin, keli
are bred and harvested. The
ponds are maintained entirely by estate staff.
Community contributions
e believe in contributing
economically and socially
to the well-being of the
communities where we conduct
business. With businesses across
Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua
New Guinea, the Group has a local
footprint in many communities. Our
approach to community engagement
is driven and managed by our
businesses to ensure value is created
in ways that best fit with their
operations and geographic spread.
During the year, the Group
continued its community care
and involvement vide various
contributions in the form of
donations, sponsorships and
support in kind to charitable
bodies, schools and local
community endeavours. Inter
alia, we renewed our sponsorship
of Titian Samara Programme by
Persatuan Al-Hunafa.
The NGO’s mission is to help
secondary students with academic
and social problems to develop
their life skills such as confidence,
leadership, and communication
through personal development
programmes and mentoring. The
programme currently focuses on
5 schools in the Klang Valley and 1
in Kelantan namely, SMK Bangsar,
SMK Raja Lumu, SMK Pandamaran
Jaya, SMK Tengku Idris Shah, SMK
Telok Gadong and SMK Laloh,
Kuala Krai involving a total of
166 students. In addition to the
personal development sessions,
2 off-site motivational camps were
organized for the students.
The Group also donated 1,600
cans of King Cup sardines for
distribution to single mothers and
senior citizens during the year.
As part of our commitment to
strengthening the local socio-