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Emergency preparedness

Emergency preparedness is an essential aspect of

our operations. Thus our facilities are equipped with

first-aid kits, firefighting systems and have in place

adequate response plans, spill prevention and other

programs to respond to emergencies.

Safety briefings are routine pre-requisites that

precedes the daily activities for most of our businesses.

Certified Emergency Response Training

During the year, 26 employees from the



had participated in a 2-day basic occupational

First Aid, CPR & AED training course. Upon completion of

the course, participants were able to:

• Perform basic life support skill such as CPR & Choking.

• Understand the importance of Automated External

Defibrillator (AED) to increase survival rate of a person

in cardiac arrest or having a heart attack.

• Render First Aid management during an emergency

with minimal equipment for injuries such as bleeding,

burn, shock, fracture, and spinal injury.

• Understand systematic approach to survey & diagnose


• Become a Qualified First Aider pursuant to the

Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994

All participants underwent theoretical and practical

assessments; which included multiple-choice questions,

skill demonstrations and mock drills (scenario based). 25

out of the 26 participants had qualified themselves as

certified First Aiders.


Road safety is also of utmost importance to the Group. Direct responsibility lies with the safe transport and on-

time delivery of products, but there is also an indirect responsibility for drivers to contribute to road safety. In the

circumstances, the Group ensures that our vehicles are maintained to OEM standards and prevailing regulations

and driver training is ongoing.

This ensures employees are focused on performing the

tasks at hand as quickly and safely as possible. These

briefings primarily serve as a daily reminder of the job/

task sequence and the potential hazards which may be

present. Emphasis is always given on the need to wear

proper attire such as Personal, Protective Equipment

(PPE) and on the use of appropriate equipment. An

emergency response plan is also carefully conveyed

employees to ensure everyone is aware of the steps to

be taken in the event of an emergency.
