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Board Charter

The Board Charter is a statement of the practices and

processes the Board has adopted in the discharge

of its responsibilities, including matters reserved

for the Board and the delegation of authority to

the Board Committees. It also sets out the roles and

responsibilities of the Board Committees, individual

Directors, Chairman, Group MD as well as Senior

Independent Director. The Board Charter also

defines the relationship and interaction between

the Board and management. In May 2020, the Board

undertook a review of the Board Charter and approved

recommended changes with particular exercise on the

duties and responsibilities of the Board in establishing

appropriate policies and procedures to manage bribery

and corruption risks. A formal Policy Statement on Anti-

Bribery has also been developed and appended to the

Board Charter. A copy of the Board Charter is available

in the ‘Investors’ section of the Company’s website.


The Board has implemented policies and practices

that are considered appropriate for the Group given its

current size and complexity. The Board will continue to

review and amend its policies as appropriate to reflect

changes in the Group’s overall growth, operational

status, legislation and accepted good practices. The

following section set out the policies that the Company

has had in place to promote ethical and responsible

business practices in the organization. Each of these

policies are available on the Company’s website.

Corporate Governance

Overview Statement

The Company has adopted an Anti-Bribery Policy which

sets out the Company’s zero tolerance against all forms

of bribery and corruption. Directors, employees and

others acting for and on behalf of the Company are strictly

prohibited from directly or indirectly soliciting, accepting or

offering bribes in relation to the Company’s business and

operations. The policy is in line with the new section 17A

of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009

and the Guidelines on Adequate Procedures issued by the

Prime Minister’s Department as well as other international

best practices.

Anti-Bribery Policy

The Whistle-Blowing Policy has been in place since 2011.

The policy provides a safe environment where information

regarding misconduct including unethically, dishonest,

illegal, bribery, corrupt, fraudulent or unsafe actions or

practices within the Group may be disclosed confidentially

and without fear of reprisal or detrimental treatment for

the person making the disclosure. The policy has been

updated to meet the requirements of the Bursa Listing

Requirements in relation to anti-corruption as well as the

Guidelines on Adequate Procedures issued by the Prime

Minister’s Department and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption

Commission Act 2009.

All whistle-blowing reports are addressed to the Group MD

or Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee. The Audit

and Risk Committee has oversight of incidents reported

under the Whistle-Blowing Policy.

Whistle-Blowing Policy

The Company has a number of other policies which

define the Company’s commitment to good corporate

governance and responsible business practices. Among

them are Corporate Disclosure Policy, Environmental

Policy, Good Social Practices Policy, Occupational Safety

and Health Policy, Quality Policy, Sexual Harassment Policy,

Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Policy and Dividend Policy.

Other Policies



The Board has responsibility for ensuring that it has

the necessary skills, experience and independence to

meet its objectives and regulatory requirements. As at

the date of this Statement, the Board comprises seven

(7) Directors, including four (4) Independent Non-

Executive Directors and two (2) female Directors. The

Board is satisfied that the current composition of the

Board takes into account the size of the Group, the

optimal mix of knowledge, skills, experience, gender

diversity, independence, the requirement in numbers

for its Committees and regulatory requirements. In

addition, the composition of the Board also meets the

requirement for independent directors provided for in

the Bursa Listing Requirements.

Annual Report 2020

kumpulan Fima Berhad
