The Group remains focused on providing sustainable value to our shareholders through three (3) core
objectives – to grow profitable revenue, to generate solid returns on capital employed and cash generation.
These objectives are enabled and supported by the four (4) strategic drivers which provide a competitive advantage to
the Group and act as a guideline to direct strategy formulation and implementation by the businesses within the Group.
Group Strategic Overview
3 Key Performance Objectives
4 Strategic Drivers
Profitable Revenue Growth
The Group aims to grow revenue
in a sustainable manner through
expansion of existing operations,
products and services, growth in
market share and expanding into
new market
Solid Returns on Capital Employed
Long-term contracts, investment and
ownership of productive assets with
continued focus on efficiencies, cost
structures and improved returns on
capital employed
Strong Cash Generation
Operational strategies are necessary
elements for a business and are
directed towards cash generation
Expansion and growth are focused
towards high quality investment with
steady cash flows
Maintain Prudent
Financial Profile
Strengthen Core
Leverage on Market
Establish Strong Pillars
For Future Growth
Management Discussion
& Analysis
The Group’s principal activities are organised in four (4) divisions: manufacturing, plantation, bulking and food. The
businesses are spread across Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. The Group currently employs 3,178 people.
The purpose of this review is to highlight and provide brief insights on key financial and operating information
at Group level. A more detailed explanation on operating performance is covered under the respective business
segment reports.
Kumpulan Fima Berhad
Annual Report 2019