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Corporate Governance

Overview Statement


Azizan bin Mohd Noor

Senior Independent Non-Executive Director


Dato’ Rosman bin Abdullah

Independent Non-Executive Director

Datuk Anuar bin Ahmad

Independent Non-Executive Director

Rozana Zeti binti Basir (Resigned on 24 July 2020)

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

Key objectives

The Audit and Risk Committee plays a key role in assisting

the Board with oversight of the external and internal audit

functions, the Group’s system of internal controls, business

risk management processes, related party transactions, related

compliance activities and effective governance over the

appropriateness of the Group’s financial reporting including the

adequacy of disclosures. The role of the Committee has also

been enhanced to include review and oversight functions of

the Group’s anti-bribery and whistle-blowing in line with section

17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 as

well as the Group’s sustainability reporting.

The Committee’s Terms of Reference is available on the

Company’s website at


In FYE2020, the Committee conducted 5 meetings with all

members present. The Committee’s activities during the

financial year are outlined in the Audit and Risk Committee

Report of this Annual Report.


Dato’ Rosman bin Abdullah

Independent Non-Executive Director


Azizan bin Mohd Noor

Senior Independent Non-Executive Director

Rozilawati binti Haji Basir

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

Datuk Anuar bin Ahmad (Appointed on 24 June 2020)

Independent Non-Executive Director

Key objectives

Assisting the Board in ensuring that the Board comprises

individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience

for the effective discharge of its responsibilities; and in matters

relating to the remunerationof theBoardand seniormanagement.

The Committee’s Terms of Reference is available on the Company’s

website at

The key activities of the Nomination and Remuneration

Committee in FYE2020 included:

• reviewing the composition of the Board and its Committees.

• reviewing the performance evalution of the Board, its

Committees and individual Directors and making appropriate

recommendations to the Board.

• reviewing the independence of the Independent Non-

Executive Directors.

• reviewing the tenure on the Independent Non-Executive

Directors’ time in office.

• nominating Board candidates for election by shareholders at

the Company’s Annual General Meeting.

• reviewing the time commitment of Directors for performance

of their responsibilities.

• reviewing the training of the Directors.

• reviewing the fees and allowances payable to the Non-

Executive Directors.

• reviewing the performance of the Group MD and senior

management and recommended to the Board the appropriate

annual increments and performance rewards.

• monitoring and considering the level of remuneration for

Group employees.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee met once during

the FYE2020 and all Committee members attended the meeting.






Annual Report 2020

kumpulan Fima Berhad
