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31 MARCH 2020

4.1 During the FYE2020, the ARC reviewed, deliberated and

approved (where specifically required) the following:

(a) Financial Reporting

• unaudited financial results for fourth quarter of

FYE2019 and first, second and third quarter of

FYE2020 to ensure compliance with the Bursa

Listing Requirements, applicable approved

accounting standards and other statutory and

regulatory requirements prior to recommending

to the Board for approval.

• impact of any changes to the accounting policies

and adoption of new accounting standards

as well as accounting treatments used in the

financial statements.

• obtained assurance from the Group MD and

CFO that:

- appropriate accounting policies had been

adopted and applied consistently;

- the going concern basis applied in the

audited financial statements and quarterly

financial results was appropriate;

- adequate processes and controls were in

place for effective and efficient financial

reporting and disclosures under the FRSs

and Bursa Listing Requirements; and

- the audited financial statements for the

FYE2019 to give a true and fair view of the

state of affairs of the Group.

(b) External Audit

• audit plan, strategy and scope of the statutory

audits of the Group accounts for the FYE2020

prepared by the Company’s auditors, Messrs.

Ernst & Young PLT. The audit plan outlines

their scope of work and proposed fees for the

statutory audit, assurance-related review and

review of the Statement on Risk Management

and Internal Control.

• recommended the external auditors’ fees to the

Board for approval.

• major issues that arose during the course of the

audit and their resolution.

• key accounting policies and audit judgements.

• recommendations made by Messrs. Ernst &

Young PLT in their management letters and the

adequacy of management’s response.

• results of annual assessment of the overall

performance of Messrs. Ernst & Young PLT

including independence, objectivity and

professionalism. The annual assessment was

carried out via a detailed questionnaire as well

as the feedback from the business units. Based

on the evaluation results, a recommendation is

made to the Board to re-appoint Messrs. Ernst &

Young PLT for the ensuing financial year. The re-

appointment will be put to the shareholders for

approval at the Company’s forthcoming Annual

General Meeting.

Messrs. Ernst & Young PLT have also provided written

confirmation to the ARC on 28 February 2020 that

they are and have been independent throughout the

conduct of the audit engagement for the Group during

the FYE 31 March 2020 in accordance with the By-Laws

on Professional Ethics, Conduct and Practice of the

Malaysian Institute of Accountants.

(c) Internal Audit

• annual Internal Audit Plan for the FYE2020 as

proposed by GIA, to ensure the adequacy of

resources, coverage and inclusion of risk areas in

the scope of review.

• internal audit reports, follow-up reports, audit

recommendations and Management responses.

• corrective actions taken by Management

in addressing and resolving issues as well

as ensuring that all issues were adequately

addressed on a timely basis.

• nature and extent of the non-audit activities

performed by GIA.

• structure of GIA and adequacy of its resources

and budget.

Audit and Risk Committee Report

Annual Report 2020

kumpulan Fima Berhad
