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Audit and Risk

Committee Report


The members of the Audit and Risk Committee comprise of:

Encik Azizan bin Mohd Noor


Senior Independent Non-Executive Director

Member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants

Dato’ Rosman bin Abdullah


Independent Non-Executive Director

Member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants

Datuk Anuar bin Ahmad


Independent Non-Executive Director

The Audit and Risk Committee (“ARC”) assists the Board in

fulfilling its oversight responsibilities. The ARC shall review

and ensure that the process of assessing risk, internal controls,

including operational and financial controls, compliance

(including anti-bribery) and the external and internal audit

functions are properly managed and monitored.

The ARC shall be appointed by the Board amongst the

Directors of the Company and shall consist of no less than 3

members comprising of Non-Executive Directors a majority

of whom are Independent Directors. A quorum for a meeting

shall be at least 2 members, both being Independent

Directors. The current composition of the ARC and the

qualifications of its members comply with the Main Market

Listing Requirements (“Listing Requirement”) of Bursa

Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa”).


In fulfilling its duties and responsibilities, the ARC is guided by

the Terms of Reference which is available on the Company’s

website at

. The ARC’s Terms of Reference

has been revised in May 2020 to include review and oversight

functions of ARC in relation to the Group’s anti-bribery and

whistle-blowing in line with section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-

Corruption Commission Act 2009.


The ARC held 5 meetings during the financial year ended

(“FYE”) 31 March 2020 and all members attended the


Name of

Committee Members

No. of Meetings


Encik Azizan bin Mohd Noor


Dato’ Rosman bin Abdullah


Datuk Anuar bin Ahmad

(Appointed on 26 June 2019)


Puan Rozana Zeti binti Basir

(Resigned on 24 July 2020)


The Company’s Group Managing Director (“Group MD”) and

Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) attended the meetings to

facilitate deliberations as well as to provide clarification on

audit issues. Senior Management personnel also as and when

necessary attended the meetings by invitation. The Head

of Group Internal Audit (“GIA”) also attended the meetings

to present audit reports. The external auditors were invited

to the meetings to discuss their key audit findings/matters,

management letters, audit planning memorandum and other

matters deemed relevant. As at the date of the Report, the

ARCmet the external auditors without management presence

on 30 May 2019 and 24 July 2020, to discuss key issues within

their audit of interest and responsibility.

The Company Secretaries act as secretary to the ARC. The

Company Secretaries shall cause minutes to be entered in the

books provided for purpose of recording all resolutions and

proceedings of minutes and shall be kept at the registered

office of the Company for inspection of any member of

the ARC or the Board. Such minutes shall be signed by the

Chairman of the next succeeding meeting and if so signed,

shall be conclusive evidence without any further proof of the

facts. Minutes of each meeting shall also be distributed to all

ARC members and presented to the members of the Board at

the Board meeting for noting.

The ARC, through its Chairman, shall report to the Board

at the next Board meeting after each ARC meeting. When

presenting any recommendation to the Board, the ARC will

provide such background and supporting information as may

be necessary for the Board to make an informed decision.

Annual Report 2020

kumpulan Fima Berhad
