* According to the GRI, material
topics are those that “reflect
the organization’s significant
economic, environmental, and
social impacts or those that
substantively influence the
assessments and decisions of
employee turnover and headcount,
injury rates, energy and utility flow.
These are reported on a monthly
basis and is collated at Group level.
All information and data included
in this Report have been reviewed
by the divisional management and
members of the Group Sustainability
Committee, and thereafter tabled
to and approved by the Board of
Directors. Members of the Group
Sustainability Committee have been
an important source of input for
sustainability endeavours during
the year, and provided critical
and constructive support for the
reporting process. This Report has
not been externally assured.
Scope & Boundary
The scope of this Sustainability
Report covers the Group’s wholly
owned operations and joint ventures
that are at least 50% owned by
KFima. Contractors, vendors and
outsourced services are excluded
from the scope of all performance
indicators unless otherwise indicated.
The reporting period corresponds
to our nancial year FYE2019, which
runs from and covers the reporting
period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.
All references to KFima, the Group,
the Company, the business, “our”
and “we” refer to Kumpulan Fima
Berhad and its subsidiaries.
Financial performance:
For a
full account of KFima’s FYE2019
financial performance, please refer to
KFima’s Annual Report 2019.
Water, energy consumption and
The Group’s energy
consumption and greenhouse
gas inventory is based on the
Greenhouse Gas Protocol. For
greenhouse gas emissions we
have chosen to report only on CO
Other greenhouse gases such as
(methane), N
O (nitrous oxide)
are excluded from our emissions
inventory as they are not considered
to be material. We calculate the
energy consumption and CO
emissions associated with the
Group’s energy consumption using
conversion factors from reputable
and authoritative sources.
The Group’s reporting scope includes
its direct CO
emissions (scope 1
emissions, from the Group’s own
sources) and indirect CO
from the generation of purchased
electricity consumed by the Group
(scope 2 emissions).
Scope includes all permanent
and temporary employees employed
by companies within the Group.
Reportable incidents are based on
actual occurrences and are never
We welcome feedback on our
Sustainability Report. You may
e-mail your feedback to
sustainability@fima.com.myaffect our value creation process
and the Group’s strategic objectives
across the economic, environment
and social pillars. These are
complemented by a variety of real-
life stories from across the Group.
Our Process
The sustainability performance
data are collected from the Group’s
operations by means of a standard
template, which requests information
on, among others, material use,