How does the Group’s
sustainability strategy align with
the Group’s key performance
Our sustainability strategy is
fundamental to the way we
approach and manage our
operations. While our strategy
has a clear financial focus,
we acknowledge that our
stakeholders are also interested
in our social and environmental
performance. Add to that,
legislation in many parts of our
business are putting increased
emphasis on carbon footprint
and emission reductions.
In order to ensure the success
of our operations now and in
the future, we need to maintain
our licence to operate, foster an
engaged, healthy and productive
workforce, and enhance our local
surroundings by cultivating our
relationships with our partners
and communities, and by
protecting and rehabilitating the
How is the Group Sustainability
Committee organised?
Our sustainability initiatives are
coordinated primarily by Group
Corporate Services and Group
Engineering Departments at
Head Office and they have
representatives that sit as
members of the Group
Sustainability Committee.
Team members from
these 2 departments are
for developing the
sustainability reporting
formats, data collation,
supporting and advising
(including training)
all business units
on the development,
implementation of any
improvement/efficiency projects
and reviewing the progress
thereof. During the year under
review, our divisions have also
established sustainability working
groups which today consists of
more than 34 colleagues in total
whose role
is to assess, measure and report
the sustainability performance
of their respective operations.
Clearly, this is only the beginning!
Encik Rezal Zain Abdul Rashid, Chairman of Group
Sustainability Committee answers questions on the
Group’s commitment to sustainability.
What’s your role in the
sustainability process?
Together with my colleagues
on the Group Sustainability
Committee, I lead the goal-
setting/baseline process. That
means we review, consider and
set the material issues, direction
and key focus areas, and ensure
we are on the right track from
an environmental and business
perspective. We are regularly
consulted and provide guidance
Kumpulan Fima Berhad