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Capital expenditure (“CAPEX”)

The division’s CAPEX spend in FYE2020

totalled RM20.20 million compared to

RM28.56 million in FYE2019. This was

primarily incurred on replanting and new

plantings of oil palm, construction of

staff and workers quarters, infrastructure

upgrading works and purchase of

equipment and vehicles.

Infrastructure at all our new

developments have been designed

to facilitate infield mechanisation.

We provide good quality housing for

our workers and further investments

in workers’ housing as well as other

estate infrastructures will continue in

this current financial year. Rollout of

the upgraded IT system across all our

Malaysian estates which commenced

in 2018 has been completed during the

year. The new IT system would provide

the Group’s head office more visibility

and control of the estates’ operations.

Sustainability Standards Certification

All of our developed Malaysian estates

have successfully attained MSPO

certification. Selected employees have

been sent for training to ensure that

we have the necessary competencies

to maintain and support our MSPO

certification. However, the Indonesian

Sustainable Palm Oil (“ISPO”) audit on

PTNJL remains status quo from last year

as authorities await a definitive outcome

of the ongoing legal suit pertaining

to PTNJL’s HGU before the ISPO

certification process can be resumed.


The palm oil industry continues to be

challenging in light of geopolitical

uncertainties, protectionist policies

namely and in particular, the EU

resolution to ban palm-related biodiesel

by January 2021, as well as the impact of

the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic on

the demand for palm oil products and

overall global economic growth. The

division could also potentially be faced

with labour supply uncertainties if the

country’s borders continue to be closed

due to the pandemic for extended

periods. On this note, we are aware that

we have to step up our already on-going

mechanisation and automation initiatives

to further reduce our dependency on

manual/foreign labour, drive productivity

and cost efficiency.

While more areas are expected to

attain maturity in this current financial

year, we expect the division’s earnings

to continue experiencing pressures in

the near term as a result of the required

expenditure in developing our Malaysian

estates. Nevertheless, we believe that

on balance, this sector will continue to

benefit from the growing demand given

Plantation Division : Taking Root

that palm oil is a significant and versatile

raw material for both food and non-food

(i.e. oleochemicals and biofuel) industries

and is confident of its sustainable growth

over the long-term. Further, expanding

the Group’s plantation landbank has

been and remains the long-standing

objective of the Group. As such we

continue to see significant opportunities

to grow the division through acquisitions

as the Group’s strong capital structure

continues to provide us with the

flexibility to invest for future growth.

Malaysia Palm Oil Trade

Statistics April 2019 to March








1,654,499 62,112


1,715,719 61,789


1,397,140 101,250


1,486,485 40,069


1,736,300 51,055


1,409,089 71,112


1,641,973 85,034


1,405,638 74,684


1,396,157 123,029


1,213,539 85,033


1,082,417 66,735


1,184,702 79,216

Source: MPOC

Palm Oil in Numbers





Oil palm has the highest

yield per hectare among the

vegetable oil seed crops.

It uses 7% of the world’s oil

farming land and accounts

for 32% of production

Source: Oil World,2016


the Oil


different oils can be

produced - crude palm oil from

the palm mesocarp and crude

kernel oil from the palm kernel


The industry supports over

3 million jobs

including 650,000

smallholders in Malaysia



Industrial Revolution



such as Internet of Things, Blockchain, Big

Data and Drone applications are actively

applied in its management systems

Palm Oil


transfat and high in tocotrienol

Source: MPOC

Annual Report 2020

kumpulan Fima Berhad
