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Annual Report 2020


Notes to the Financial Statements

As at 31 March 2020

kumpulan Fima Berhad


42. Financial risk management objectives and policies

The Group’s financial risk management policy seeks to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for the

development of the Group’s businesses whilst managing its interest rate, foreign exchange, liquidity/funding and credit

risks. The Group operates within clearly defined guidelines that are approved by the Board and the Group's policy is not

to engage in speculative transactions.

(a) Interest rate risk

The Group’s primary interest rate risk relates to interest-bearing debt as at year end. The investments in financial

assets are mainly short term in nature and they are not held for speculative purposes.

The Group manages its interest rate exposure by maintaining a prudent mix of fixed and floating rate borrowings.

The Group actively reviews its debt portfolio, taking into account the investment holding period and nature of its

assets. This strategy allows it to capitalise on cheaper funding in a low interest rate environment and achieve a

certain level of protection against rate hikes.

The information on maturity dates and effective interest rates of financial assets and liabilities are disclosed in their

respective notes.

The Group and the Company do not have significant interest rate exposures at the reporting date.

(b) Liquidity/funding risk

The Group defines liquidity/funding risk as the risk that funds will not be available to meet liabilities as they fall due.

The Group actively manages its operating cash flows and the availability of funding so as to ensure that all funding

needs are met. As part of its overall prudent liquidity management, the Group maintains sufficient levels of cash or

cash convertible instruments to meet its working capital requirements. To ensure availability of funds, the Group

closely monitors its cash flow position on a regular basis.

Analysis of financial instruments by remaining contractual maturities

The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Company’s liabilities at the reporting date based on

contractual undiscounted repayment obligations.

Contractual cashflow

on demand or within

one year






Financial liabilities:

Trade and other payables



Short term borrowings



Total undiscounted financial liabilities

